
Lisa is a 57-year-old IT program manager with “asymptomatic” atrial fibrillation (AF). When she was first diagnosed, she spent five days in the hospital receiving treatment to control her condition. It was a harrowing experience for her and her family, especially as she learned about the serious complications associated with AF, like stroke.

The following week, after doing extensive research about different monitoring devices, she attended a follow up appointment with her cardiologist where discussed with him the AliveCor Mobile ECG as a way for her to keep track of her condition anywhere and at anytime. It was also a great option because of its low cost, accuracy and ease of use. “Home monitoring devices are usually over one thousand dollars, and even if it’s covered by my insurance, my co-pay will be very high. The AliveCor Mobile ECG is far more affordable,” says Lisa.

For Lisa, convenience is an important factor, “I travel for work, up and down the West Coast and across the country. My AF can be sporadic, and it’s very stressful to feel a little off when I’m away from home, going through airports, or on the plane,” describes Lisa. “The AliveCor Mobile ECG gives me peace of mind anywhere that I am. My family worries about me schlepping suitcases through the airport. But when this device came along, it gave them peace of mind too.”